April 17   2023

Kumiko KOTERA (IAP Paris)   ILANCE/ICRR/IPMU  seminar  –  The GRAND Project    https://grand.cnrs.fr/

April 6   2023

Anatael CABRERA (IJCLAB)   ILANCE/ICRR/IPMU  seminar  –  SuperChooz Exploration: Reactor and Solar Neutrino Physics  https://liquido.ijclab.in2p3.fr/superchooz

April 4   2023

Yuhang  ZAHO (APC)   ILANCE/ICRR/IPMU  seminar  –  Experiment efforts to go beyond the standard quantum limit in gravitational wave detectors

April 1   2023

10 master’s students from France joined ILANCE for their 4-month research internships: 8 students come from Ecole Polytechnique and 2 from Ecole Normale. Their internship work will focus on  ALMA, SUBARU & LiteBIRD cosmology experiments and on Super-K, T2K & Hyper-K neutrino experiments

March 27   2023

Our Conference on the Physics of the Two nfinities was held in Kyoto March 27 – 30   https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/28466/

February 13   2023

Lucie MILLET    ILANCE/ICRR/IPMU  Seminar  –  Time generation and synchronization for the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment

December  2022

We welcome Lorenzo Périssé to ILANCE in the Super-Kamiokande group for a postdoctoral stay. Lorenzo is an expert in low energy neutrino physics and obtained his thesis at CEA Saclay:  https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-03538198

October  2022

Many thanks to Antoine Petit, President and CEO of the CNRS, for his visit to Japan on the occasion of the creation of an International Research Center between the CRNS and the University of Tokyo with a key role for ILANCE.

September  2022

On the site of the extraordinary VIRGO gravitational wave experiment in Pisa. Two perpendicular arms 3 km long containing the largest amount of vacuum on Earth

August  2022

Our first joint ILANCE/ICRR/IPMU seminar on the UTokyo campus in Kashiwanoha

July  2022

ILANCE interns visit the underground gravitational waves experiment KAGRA enjoying cool temperatures

June  2022

First visit of ILANCE by IN2P3/CNRS management.

June  2022

First ILANCE publication  https://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.01380.pdf

April  2022

Kashiwanoha. Welcome to Camille Painblanc, ILANCE administrative officier, and Mathieu  de Bony, PhD in the CTA experiment.

Workshop on the evolution of advanced electronics and instrumentation for Water Cherenkov experiments

This workshop is organized by ILANCE on April 11th. For more information : https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/26412/

Workshop on the development of innovative tools for new collaborations within gravitational wave detection experiments

This workshop is organized by ILANCE on April 15th. For more information : https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/26414/

March 2022

Welcome to Guillaume PRONOST who has benefited from our first research associate position at ILANCE. He joins the French and Japanese teams of the Hyper-K experiment

April 1st  2021

CNRS and four institute of University of Tokyo have signed an agreement to promote academic research and collaborative activities in areas of mutual interest through the creation of the international research laboratory ILANCE

ILANCE kick-off meeting

ILANCE kick-off meeting took place on April 8th 2021. Presentations and agenda can be seen here     https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/23703/